Navigating the Seasonal Shift: Protecting Our Horses and Dogs Through Autumn and Winter

As we transition from the warmth of summer into the crisp days of autumn and the colder nights of winter, not only do we find our routines and wardrobes changing, but our animals experience shifts that can impact their health and well-being. Understanding these changes and preparing to support our horses and dogs through this seasonal transition is crucial in ensuring they remain healthy, happy and comfortable.

The Impact of Seasonal Change on Horses and Dogs Physical Health

Coat Changes

Both horses and dogs develop thicker coats to combat the colder weather. This natural process requires a significant amount of energy that can put their bodies under strain. Monitor their nutrition during this time to support coat growth and overall health.

Joint Health

Cooler temperatures can exacerbate joint stiffness and discomfort, particularly in older animals or those with joint issues. 

Weight Management

The need for extra energy to stay warm may necessitate an increased food intake, but decreased activity levels during the colder months can result in weight gain. 

Respiratory Health

Horses especially can be susceptible to respiratory issues during the colder months due to spending more time indoors, where ventilation may be poor and dust levels higher.

Emotional Well-being

Reduced Outdoor Time

With shorter days and longer nights, horses and dogs might spend less time outdoors; this affects their mood and overall well-being. 

Changes in Routine

Adjustments in their daily routines, such as reduced exercise or changes in feeding schedules, can be stressful.

Signs to Look Out For

  • Changes in appetite or water consumption
  • Lethargy or changes in activity levels
  • Signs of discomfort or pain, particularly in movement
  • Increased irritability or signs of stress
  • Changes in coat quality or unusual hair loss
  • Weight gain or loss

Supporting Your Animals Through the Transition Physical Health


Ensure your animals have access to high-quality food that meets their nutritional needs, considering the extra energy required for warmth and coat production.

Shelter and Warmth

Provide adequate shelter for horses and ensure dogs have a warm, cosy place to sleep. Consider additional bedding or blankets for horses living in cold climates.


Maintain a regular exercise routine to support joint health and prevent weight gain. 

Health Checks

Regular vet check-ups can help identify and manage potential health issues before they become serious. Pay special attention to joint health and respiratory function.

Emotional Well-being


Keep a consistent routine to reduce stress and provide a sense of security if you can.

Mental Stimulation

If outdoor time is limited, provide your dog with toys, puzzles, or new activities to keep their minds engaged.

Herbal Remedies for Autumn and Winter

Herbal remedies are a natural way to support your animal's health and well-being during the seasonal transition. Before introducing any new supplement to your pet's diet, consult a vet or our team here at Brookby Herbs.

Echinacea - Known for its immune-boosting properties, Echinacea can help support the immune system through the colder months.

Garlic - In small, controlled doses, garlic can be beneficial for its immune-boosting and respiratory health benefits.

Chamomile - This herb can help soothe anxiety and promote relaxation for animals experiencing stress due to changes in routine or environment.

The transition from summer to autumn and winter can be challenging for our horses and dogs, affecting them physically and emotionally. By being vigilant and proactive, we can ease this transition for them. Providing appropriate care, monitoring their health, maintaining a stable routine, and incorporating herbal remedies are all steps we can take to ensure our furry and hooved friends stay healthy and happy during the colder months. When introducing new elements to your animal's care regime, consult a professional to ensure your animal's safety and well-being.