We have received so many comments from our customers about their experiences with our products, and we'd like to share some of these with you.
My mare had a very persistent cough all summer, I'd hoped that when it rained it would ease but that wasn't the case. The vet prescribed antihistamines with ventilator 2x daily which some friends were doing with their horses. Very hard to fit around working + very expensive! I discovered another herbal brand which alleviated the cough but have found Brookby Herbs Sneeze Free does as good a job if not better & a bit cheaper.
I have been feeding Brookby Herbs Echinacea Organic Plus and the Herbal Health blend to my Grand Prix show jumpers for the last two years and I have been most impressed with the results. We used Echinacea Organic Plus for respiratory problems and found a remarkable improvement in the horses health. It also appeared to build the immunity to the many bugs that are now prevalent amongst horses. I am now a convert to natural products, especially Echinacea Organic Plus and I would strongly recommend the use of Brookby Herbs' products.
John Cottle, Clevedon
I wanted to write to say how impressed I've been with the Organic Echinacea Leaf Plus product. I have been feeding it to my horses for the past 18 months. I first started using it as it was recommended by the owner of our grazing facility when my horse started to have a bit of a clearing cough every time I started to exercise him. Within a week of starting him on it the cough went away & stayed away, until we got through the spring & summer season. I decided to try to take him off the Echinacea and within two weeks the same cough was back again! So I started back with the Echinacea, and same result, within a week, the cough went away again. So I left him on it permanently until just a few weeks ago when our normal supplier said they have had trouble getting hold of it, so we ran out, and, now my horse has his little cough back!
Dawn, Wellington
Oakley is still going well with the Free Mover Plus, not only have I noticed how much better he moves and feels to ride but the farrier was here last week and commented how much better he stands and lets him pull his legs and shoulders while shoeing, he would "put up" with it for a while then start to fidget or "remove " his legs!!
What I always like about horses and herbs is there is no placebo effect, they dont know what they are taking , he's quite happy with the smell of the cider apple vinegar which is great for a horse who can smell Bute at a hundred paces and flatly refuses to take the stuff, if he has to have it I have to make it into a paste and syringe it down his throat!!
Many thanks and keep up the great products and good service.
Caroline and Oakley
I am very happy with the way my horses look after using Natural Hoof & Coat Conditioner. After using Herbal Calmer on a particular horse, I would describe him as quite different and a lot calmer than he was.
Barry Purdon, Purdon Racing Stables, Clevedon, NZ.
Free Mover Plus Turned my horses into 5 year olds! I am so happy with your product, i have seen such an amazing difference in our 26yr old gelding that i have now put a couple of our other older ponies on the Free Mover as well.I have some younger children riding these ponies and it is wonderful to see them enjoying their work again, and being able to use their vast experience to teach these kids the joys of riding and owning a horse.
Vanessa Christensen
The Free Mover Plus . I could not believe the difference. Highly recommend it. The mares are so much more playful with the younger ones and they now appear so much happier and confident within themselves. I have had my mares for approximately 12 years and they have never been so happy since I started your herbs. They are now about age 20. Cheers for the miracle potion.
I was just amazed at how quickly The Herbal Calmer took effect. My horse is a 17hh 3 year old warmblood and he's now so relaxed and happy. It's brilliant.
V. Streifler, Te Awamutu New Zealand
I found the Herbal Calmer brilliant. I started 3 of our yearlings on the Herbal Calmer with Valerian first then changed to the Valerian Free Calmer. Both were excellent and I'd highly recommend both Brookby Herb calmers to all stud owners. I was a bit unsure about using herbs to start with but am now totally convinced.
Kathy Hogan, Brookfields Stud, New Zealand
On the weekend we went trekking and I used the calmer Plus with great results. My young Arab "Mars" went super on 20 mls in the morn. Well done! Now I can seek advice 24 hours a day. Also, I have to compliment you on your fantastic products. I used the calming herbs on a highly-strung horse. She was hard to catch, feed, groom and ride. After feeding her with the herbs daily, I could do anything with her! When this mare was about to be flown to England, I fed her some calming herbs and she went into the float like a lamb. I was really pleased. Well done Brookby Herbs, keep up the fantastic products.
C. Knock, Waipawa, CHB, New Zealand
Just wanted to say I have been buying lots of your products which I love and they are the only products I use. I went from buying a lovely TB who completely lost the plot in his first ODE, where it was a nightmare. Since I purchased your Herbal Calmer and started using that, the last couple of times we have been out, he has been a dream. I have even had others comment on "What a different horse". Once again wonderful product, keep up the good work.
Just a note to say what a difference I've found in my mare since she had her first bucket of Steady Mare. When I first looked at the herbs I thought "no way will she eat that" because she doesn't like any other calmers I have tried, but she loves it. Her overall outline is softer & she is working a lot better. Normally she hates the clapping, music and loud speakers at shows but I have just got home from the NZ Grand National Champ Show at Rangiora where she went very well.
S.Adams, Glazebrook Station, Blenheim
When my mare is in season she becomes more explosive to ride, she is also less willing to work 'over her back' which spoils her dressage performance. I have found that "Steady Mare" has kept her more consistent in her temperament, she is also more willing to work when in season. This means I can now compete when she is in season, knowing she will be doing her best for me!
Carolyn Hansen and Impulsion Covergirl.
No More "mareishness"! (from Tried & Tested Horse & Pony Magazine, March 2003)
When editor Joan Gilchrist asked me to trial Brookby Herbs' Steady Mare Herbal Blend, she did so with a wry smile. My mare is well known amongst friends as the old **** and can pull the most wicked faces at a 2 horse-lengths distance! Even her kind paddock mate ducks for cover when the MARE is back in the paddock.
I started giving her Steady Mare at a time when spring growth was beginning & spring hormone levels rising -changing nature would be a big prescription! I didn't notice any instant behavioural change, but then I didn't expect it. It wasn't until I looked back on some of the rides that I realised the mare's behaviour was definitely modified for the better.
Later in the month, I was practising in a quadrille when I ran out of the mix. This gave the mare a close-up opportunity for some real ugly face pulls. The difference was too much to believe.
In her case, it took a few weeks on Steady Mare before there were any changes, but when she stopped taking it the reversion was pretty rapid. She is now back on the blend and we are all the happier for it.
My cheeky standardbred gelding thinks he's "the man", especially in spring. He can get a bit too bossy and protective. I tried "Steady Mare" last year after a friend suggested chaste berries as a natural option to help calm things down. I hunted the internet and came across Brookby Herbs. They have an excellent product and deliver promptly.
Combined with magnesium and toxin binder, Steady Mare definitely made a difference to his behaviour, he was still his alert, 'comedian self', with the 'edge' taken off. I'm back for more Steady mare now that spring has come again.
Madeline Campbell
I have been using Freemover for around a month and there has been such a great improvement on my old boy!!! I have now got someone else using it too!!!
Paula Clemoes Auckland, NZ
We have had really great results from the Organic Free Mover Liquid, our dog is a 15&1/2yr old Lab and he is doing so well this winter with the use of this. I would now like to use it on for my 2 older goats who are arthritic. They are already on glucosamine as well.
Jude Eskrit
Just wanted to let you know that me and my old horse Charlie are really enjoying your Free Mover! Charlie is a Gisborne stock horse that has had a hard life as a trekking horse before I got him. He is the first horse I have ever owned and he is now about 26 years with arthritis in his back and legs. The vet advised me that he still needs regular gentle exercise, and he loves to go out. I was worried however about causing him pain and he had started to stumble frequently. I had tried some other non herbal products that were extremely expensive. When I found Free Mover I was delighted. It means that we can still go out on nice quiet rides together, he can still canter along the grassy stop banks and he does not seem sore the next day. He is less stiff in his legs and he doesn’t stumble as much. Free Mover is also more affordable than other alternatives and it is a good feeling to know that it is all herbal. So thanks for a great product that means Charlie and I can still enjoy some nice rides together.
Herbs For Cushings
Hi Jackie,
For two years I've used Chasteberry on my mare Ali for her Cushing's and it's worked wonders. She's alert, loads of energy (she's 25 and runs around like a 5 year old), sheds out nicely every spring and not to mention the improvement of her feet (she had Laminitis, slightly turned years ago). She has the Cushing's belly but I think I can live with that. Just thought you might be interested.
I must say how delighted we are with Organic Free Mover. My Labrador Dog Misty is 6 years old and we noted that she had slight stiffness/limp in one front leg. The Vet prescribed anti-inflammatory pills but they didn't seem to help and after only 2 weeks using Natures Free Mover, she shows no signs OF LIMPING. I would definitely recommend your product to any Pet Owner.
I have used Free Mover for an aged horse with great success (and recommended it to friends)
Deborah Bigggs, NZ
I purchased some of you Organic Free Mover at the Pet Expo to give to one of my bitches who had hurt the muscle in her hip rough and tumbling with another dog. I am absolutely thrilled with the results and she went out at one of the shows yesterday and took Best of Breed over an entry of about 20 Cockers. She is only 17 months and beat a number of older mature dogs – one a Grand Champion. She is now over half way to her title. I will now also give the Free Mover to the dog with the stress fracture.Many thanks Helen
One of my working stock dogs came down with a severe lameness problem about 3 years ago. After many tests and trips to specialists I was told it would take a $5000 exploratory surgery to 'try' and find out what was causing the problem and if I didn't do it, he'd never work stock again. Instead, I decided to try using some natural medications and products. After a year of trying different things to no avail, I came across Brookby Herb’s Organic Free Mover for Dogs. Within 4 months of using it, Boots was able to play ball again without pulling up lame. Within 6 months he could work stock lightly. He's been on it ever since and although he can't work stock on a daily basis, he can now help me out as an 'extra' hand when needed without pain and he can also still enjoy a good game of ball! Thanks Brookby Herbs!
Vicky Mason Colorado, USA
About the same time that I started using Brookby Herbs Organic Free Mover on one of my dogs with a lameness problem, I decided to also try some of their herbal remedies for my retired horse. Just something to give him an extra 'boost' as he aged. I started with Herbal Health and then add Echinacea in the fall to give him a good start in the winter as I live in the Rocky Mountains and our winters are very harsh. Biarritz is currently 32 years old and doing great. I firmly believe it's the Brookby Herbs supplements that have kept him from even getting the sniffles!! Thanks Brookby Herbs!
Vicky Mason Colorado, USA
Sneeze Free is working well with one of our ponies this is his second year and he began to take it this year on 1st march (just like my son with his hayfever medicine) and there has been a huge improvement with allergy symptoms, his eyes don’t run as much and his breathing is easier, so much so he does not take any prescribed drugs anymore therefore his quality of life is now good. Many thanks for dealing with my last order so promptly it came very quickly which was great. I wish more people would consider natural products as they are good for us so why not our pets!!
Hi! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your fantastic products- I was using Free mover and saw results SO fast!
Hannah Divehal Hamilton, NZ
I had a customer come into my store and buy some Steady Mare about 3 weeks ago and she came back to say how good it was and the marked change in her mare – really good feedback!
Alana OK Coral –Taupaki, Henderson

I have a 22 year old Cleveland Bay/TB gelding called Saltan. He had an uneven gait, especially at trot, stiffness, calcification of joints and has been diagnosed as suffering from osteo-arthritis (especially around the fetlock joints). The vet said it was the worst case of arthritis he had ever seen. We purchased Free Mover from you in May for our "stiff old man" who by the way is doing great. Greg took him for the first ride since he'd been put on the mixture and found no uneven gait at a trot and a real willingness to go. I have noticed that he is now coming straight down the hill when we call him instead of zigzaging like he use to. He now has a real brightness in his eyes - and he doesn't look like an old shaggy pony (he is 16.2hh) anymore as his coat is even softer and shiner. Thank you for your wonderful product.
AJ and Greg
My horse suffers from stiff joints and I noticed a difference after using Free Mover (Devil's Claw) for three weeks. It transformed him into a new animal; happy and moving about normally. I then tried taking him off the herbs for a week and he has reverted back to his tired old self. I really believe the herbs have given him a new lease of life.
J. Hamilton, Alfriston, New Zealand
My horse (a 24 year old mare) has always suffered from stiff joints . I have been feeding her Brookby Herbs' Free Mover and she's now running around like a two year old. She's a quite a different horse altogether - even the Vet can't believe the difference. I swear by it.
B. Hancock, Stratford, New Zealand
I can't recommend devils claw Free Mover enough. I have been using it on my 13hh aged (we think she's around 30yo) mare who foundered at least twice before we bought her and had chronic seedy toe. Three years later, with the help of Brookby Herbs' products, she is galloping around the paddock like a pony half her age. The past two seasons my daughter has competed very successfully in show hunter jumping classes, finishing 8th last year on the New Zealand pony high points, evented, competed in pony club classes at the shows where they have won champion ribbons for paced and mannered, and the pair managed 1.25m in a two bar challenge. The times I have run out of Free Mover and been slack in putting in an order, the difference in the pony's action is quite noticeable. Older ponies are the best at teaching young children and deserve the best care. Free Mover is a must in my book.
Sonia Gerken, Barcola Lodge, Southland, New Zealand
I just want to let you know that I think your product Free Mover is brilliant. I have had 2 horses on it and I honestly can't say enough about it. I have recommended it to a lot of my friends and they know how good they are as my horse is the proof. I have a 19 year old mare that is a lot happier now with being on the herbs and I had a 21 year old that improved so much from your product. Thankyou for making the horses and dogs alot more comfortable in their older years.
Joan Johnson New Zealand.
Herbs for Healthy Hooves and a Shiny Coat
I've been using your herbs Natural Hoof & Coat Conditioner for the past 2 months and can not believe the coat condition on my horse now. Shining and vital where as before it was dull and rough. I am amazed at the difference!! And yes, your more than welcome to quote me on my comment about your herbs because I believe that they have made such a difference to my horses appearance that I've been telling everyone I know about them. People who know him do not believe he is the same horse. He is a dark horse and now he has gone really black, and shiny. He also is unrugged so his coat is doing really well.
L.Strachan, New Plymouth, New Zealand
I want to thank you for the excellent quality of your products, and in particular the effectiveness of your Natural Hoof and Coat Conditioner. We have a Clyde cross mare who was prone to an unsightly eczema-like skin condition which left weeping sores on her face and other parts of her body. It seemed to have no identifiable cause, and nothing we or the vet tried seemed to help. And then I read about your herbal products and decided to try the Hoof and Coat Conditioner. The rapid improvement in Sally’s condition was remarkable and the bonus of a gleaming coat is a real tribute to your product. I recommend it without hesitation.
We also appreciate the promptness of delivery when we order from you. Last week I emailed you on Friday morning and the order arrived on my doorstep in Hawke's Bay on Saturday morning. That's great service!
Ros Rowe, Leg-Up Trust
My Ben, a tb/clydie cross gelding, is a 'herbal' horse. I use three supplements as a regular and essential part of his diet - Free Mover: Free Mover Plus: Natural Hoof and Coat Care. Because I can't feed Ben every day, I use both types of Free Mover in each feed. From the Free Mover Plus he gets the benefit of the cider vinegar base, as well as the immediate effects of the Devil's Claw into his bloodstream. From the herbal Free Mover mix, he builds up a longer-lasting effect from the Devil's Claw and the other herbal ingredients. As for the Natural Hoof and Coat Conditioner - Ben is barefoot. Need I say more.
And when I accumulate $500 in Reward Vouchers, I can chose a freebie from any one of my three favourites. A super bonus!
Zoe -Tawa.
Herbs for Horse Allergies and Hayfever
Just thought I'd give you some feedback on your products. My TB gelding started having allergic reactions to something late last year. I started him on the Echinacea Organic Plus and although he still has the occasional reaction to the allergen the effects are nowhere near as bad as they first were and he hasn't had a single cold or viral infection since. Six months ago the same horse was diagnosed with ringbone in a front pastern. I began using Free Mover and within 4 weeks he was sound. He is now back in full work, jumping and competing-something I didn't think he'd be able to do again. I just wanted to say how much of a fan I am of your products and I will continue to tell friends about you and your wonderful herbal products. Thanks very much.
K Thomas
The sneeze freeze is making a huge difference to my big man, thank you so much for recommending it.Your products are fantastic.
L. Nalder
This is just a little note to complement you on your most excellent service! I ordered some products off you the other day and I received them today and I was most impressed how fast they arrived. I hope I do more dealings with you in the future and will put the word out about Brookby Herbs.
Herbs for Coughs & Colds
Recently one of my horses developed the most awful cough. I was hoping it would just right itself but after a week he was really no better so I bought the herbal Immune Booster plus and within 4days he was better.
Thanks for your great products
I have been using your Herbal Calmer with Valerian and just love it. I had a accident which put me off riding for 4 months. I started her on the Calmer two weeks before I started riding her and was able to just hop on her back and virtually carry on from where I left off. She is a different horse. Thank you.
Jo Young
Hi Jackie I wanted to give you some feedback on your Immune Booster which I purchased for my horse. After two days of treatment, his rather disgusting snotty nose had totally cleared, and another two days following this, his cough has gone too. Thanks for a fantastic product that truly does work wonders. I will be recommending it to everyone.
Regards Nicki
Hi Jackie,
I brought the Immune Booster Plus as suggested for my horses cough and cold.
I did think about the vet as it seemed to be getting worse, but after a couple of days with the herbs it's just about cleared up. Thanks so much, will be recommending your products.
Cheers Colleen
Herbs for Stiff Joints in Dogs
I'm absolutely thrilled and impressed with the results of Organic Free Mover". We have an 8 year old shepherd who was in a terrible state. The vet had put him on a course of drugs for his stiff hips and basically it was completely knocking him out at night. The poor dog was so sedated he was wetting the bed and getting very distressed. We were all terribly upset watching him go down hill with no dignity left until my daughter suggested I try your herbal extracts. We have been amazed with the results. He is a completely different dog, up playing with the cat and running around like a young pup again. I wouldn't have believed it was possible. Well done and thank you.
M.Wickham, Papatoetoe, New Zealand.
Interesting article on arthritis on dogs - my not quite 7yr old dog now has advanced arthritis which did not show up as he enjoyed the walks etc. We are not yet on Rimadyl - that is still 2 stages on and the one before steroids proper (which the vet wants to postpone as long as possible).
However, none of your proposed causes was the reason for his arthritis - he was always light (the problems getting him to eat his dinner!), well exercised, annual checks etc. The cause has been placed on the alignment of his lower back after an operation to remove the top of a damaged vertebrae caused a problem with his hips. We were warned about this but as the alternative 3 years ago was euthanasia, we elected to proceed with the operation.
My vet recommended your product as one of 2 herbal supplements that would assist in easing my dog back into enjoyment of life! Well, I used the Organic Free Mover in his water bowl - and he is definitely more active and happy than what he was! Not yet back up to our 1 1/2 hour walks, but we may never be again, but he is certainly bouncing after wild rabbits and chasing balls etc. Problem is, so is my elderly (20yr) cat who drinks out of the same water bowl!!
Rachael Hughes
Just a little note to say that my Border Collie (aged 11 in November) is doing really well on your herbs. I was worried when I took her to the vet. I can’t believe how well she is doing for “an old girl”. Not quite as active as she used to be but still able to run and jump when the mood takes her. I can definitely see a great improvement in her after taking the herbs. So now we are on bottle number two! Thank you.
Julie & Moss
I must say that the Organic Free Mover I have my 13 year old afghan on has been great. No more drugs! He has become much stronger on his legs and is moving about really well for an old dog.
Regards, Bev Campbell
Bo the Dalmation is still doing much better on the herbs, in fact he can now get up on the bed by himself some days and not be lifted. He is also much calmer with other dogs and in fact plays with them in the park now. He used to love this but stopped when he was bitten by another dog about 2 years ago. Until he was on your calming herb he would growl at the other dogs if they came near him but now he has a short play. Can we place another order for exactly the same. We are finding the herbs work really well!
Thanks, Linda
I heard about free mover from friends of mine that have horses and they put me onto Organic Free Mover for my 11 year old dog. He was starting to get the first signs of arthritis which is what hes father suffered from as well.We had to get his father put down years ago because it became to much for him.I was dredding having to go through that again.
I tried different joint medications from specialist pet stores and thought Free mover was my last try.To be honest I didnt think it was going to work and doubted the effects it would have however my old dog is running round like hes years younger he even has crazy days when he thinks hes the same age as our young dog whos 3 and they jump around playing together.
I think without free mover this would not of happened and I have been telling people about it and what a difference it has made to our family.
A Clingin
Herbs for Dog Grooming
I've been using Organic Shine and have had excellent results. I reverted to a half dose and noticed the skin gradually worsened again so shall keep going on original dose.Thank you. H. Nilsen, Merksamtreu Kennel,. KeriKeri.
I have been using your products on my 4 Dalmatians and have been very pleased with the results. I am using the Organic Free Mover on my two elderly dogs, one is 14 and one is 15 years old. I use the Shine product on the dogs that are being shown and the kelp is added to puppies food as it helps promote pigment development and is recommended for enriching eye colour, very useful for our liver spotted variety!
Thanks you again for your help and support.
Sue Wakelin
Calming Herbs for Dogs
I have 2 Standard Schnauzers that were typically over diligent and bark at anything and everything. After using the Organic Calmer for about 6 weeks - once a day, I, my husband and neighbours have all noticed a MAJOR change in their behaviour - they are both much more relaxed. Thank you so much for making my life easier.
C. Wilson, Qld, Australia
We have a boxer who I would describe as incredibly exciteable and energetic, always wanting attention and games. Unfortunately she goes from morning till night which wears us all out. I tried using the Organic Calmer in the hope of getting a bit of rest and I have to say it worked perfectly. She happily takes the drops then quite quickly lies down and has a rest for a while. It has been a miracle for us all.
M. Trenter, Clevedon, NZ.
Bought the allergy-hay fever herb for our older gelding in 3 days a different horse. Stopped shaking head, not lethargic any more. Will be able to ride again. Also hoof and coat herb hair is shiny and so soft. Was first time we ordered, love it! Thank you!
Deb Raymond USA
I've been giving my dog the free mover for a while now and
have noticed a side effect you might know about, might not.
He was always having itchy feet and skin complaints.
They have all stopped, I guess it's the anti inflam from the
willow bark but it's fantastic! Have a good one Vic
We love to hear about your experience with our products. Please drop us a line and let us know if our products helped overcome your animal's health problem.