Beach safety tips for dogs- HAVE FUN AND BE SAFE THIS SUMMER.

The weather is improving, and we are doggone excited about heading to the beach with our pooch this summer! A beautiful sunny day at the beach is one of the best ways to spend quality time with your canine companion.

There are, of course, some safety considerations to factor into your planning ahead of any sandy adventure.

Dogs and Water Safety

It is best to play in low, calm waters. Even dogs who can swim can quickly grow tired in the water. If you are concerned that your dog may be at risk or you frequent beaches where currents are strong and unpredictable, you may wish to invest in a dog life jacket.

Try to avoid areas with a lot of boating or other motorised water-based activities that may overwhelm or over-excite your pooch and reduce the enjoyment factor overall.

Sunburn and Burnt Paws

Any hairless or pink areas on a dog’s body are especially vulnerable to sunburn. You can purchase a specially formulated dog suncream that will protect them from the damaging effects of the sun and the discomfort that comes with sunburn. Avoid sunscreens formulated for humans as many contain zinc, an ingredient that is toxic to dogs.

Dog paws are sensitive to heat, so you must avoid the beach in the heat of the day, especially if your beach is a black sand beach. A good rule of thumb is if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pup.

Signs that Your Dog is Overheating

Everybody loves a long hot summer’s day, but our canine companions need a reprieve from the heat just like us. Signs that your dog might be overheating include increased panting and drooling, vomiting, diarrhoea, and excessive lethargy. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, move them to a cool area and give them some fresh water. If their condition worsens, you will need to take them to the vet.

Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Always pack a water bowl and some fresh water in your beach bag. These days you can buy some fabulous portable drinking bowls that pack down to nothing.

If your dog doesn’t have access to fresh water, they may look to quench their thirst in the sea; this will only exacerbate their thirst and increase their chance of becoming dehydrated.

Signs of dehydration are similar to symptoms of overheating. Additionally, your dog’s gums might feel tacky, and their saliva might appear thick.

Freshwater Rinse

After a day at the beach, give your furry pal a good wash down with some fresh water; this will ensure that you remove the salt and sand from their coat and skin and flush out any bugs or microorganisms they may have collected on their visit.

Beach checklist

  • Fresh water
  • Water bowl
  • Life jacket
  • Doggie sunscreen
  • Sun umbrella
  • Towel
  • Dog snacks

The beach is a fabulous playground for dogs and owners. But, as with the human experience, those underprepared for the elements can walk away with some pretty miserable souvenirs from their outing! Protect your four-legged pal by packing them a good beach kit.