Articles — immune system RSS

Echinacea: an aid on fighting infections in horses

Keeping the equine immune system healthy to help the horse fight off infection and disease is one particular area where herbal remedies, such as the Echinacea flowers, leaf and root have generated a lot of interest and support. The Echinacea is a plant endemic in North America, with purple or white flowers, which grows to approximately 3 feet tall. It is also known as coneflower for its conic-shaped flowers that make it a favorite ornamental plant and has been used for centuries for humans as a treatment for colds, flu, and general infections. The subject of more than 350 scientific studies, Echinacea has proved useful both in tissue regeneration and as an anti-inflammatory, at least in studies on humans. Echinacea...

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Strangles in Horses - What To Do

Strangles in Horses – What To Do   Strangles in horses is more common than you would think and it’s a problem that can be deadly if not taken care of immediately!  This Streptococcus equi is a very contagious upper respiratory tract infection that causes the horses’ lymph nodes to swell.  This swelling is just the beginning of the problems to come. When this happens, it can compress against the pharynx, larynx, and even the tracheas.  Your horse then has their airway obstructed causing them to cough and have trouble breathing.  Once the horse has trouble swallowing or breathing they experience exactly why this disease is called the strangles! Strangles in horses also causes fevers that can reach 106 degrees and...

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